Spread Joy | Culture Coach | Bonfyre

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An orange logo with the letter b on it, representing an organized team or a trivia game called "Guess the Teammate.
culture coach logo

Spread Joy

How to do it:

  • In your digital channel, post the following prompt, “They say it’s the little things in life. What’s one small thing that makes you happy that you get to do almost every day.”
  • Take the lead! Think about your day and post about  something that brings you joy.
  • Encourage interaction as your team shares – lead the way with follow-up questions or comments.

Why it works:

  • Positivity is contagious! This prompt will promote positivity and encourage your team to look on the bright side.
  • Positive thinking can boost productivity, reduce stress level, help in decision making and increase resiliency in your team. 
A white plastic straw on a white background.

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