Give a teammate a virtual shout-out - Bonfyre | Culture Coach

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Give a teammate a virtual shout-out

How to do it:

  • Pick someone who deserves to be recognized for great work.
  • Post your shout-out in a digital channel – include what the person did, how it helped you and how it reflects your company’s or team’s values.
  • Bonus: Make it a regular thing! Set a calendar reminder to give a shout-out twice a month.

Why it works:

  • A public shout-out lets everyone join in congratulating the employee, extending its impact.
  • Praising in a digital channel (as opposed to a live meeting) ensures introverted employees won’t feel like they are being put “on the spot”.
  • We’re more likely to forget to do this when we’re apart – setting reminders means good work will continue to get recognized!
  • And employees who feel valued are 2x less likely to look for a new job.
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