What is macro-recognition?
Macro-recognition refers to formal recognition programs typically centered around financial or material incentives (point systems used to purchase prizes).
These workplace incentive programs typically have robust rule sets, are top-down or require administrative approval, and revolve around specific behaviors, incentives, and criteria for earning them. Although financial and material incentives can have a significant impact on organizations, they are also prone to abuse as people become motivated by self-gain rather than achievement or organizational progress. Macro-recognition programs (or formal recognition programs) can also become too complicated or process heavy, reducing employee involvement and overall impact.
What is micro-recognition?
Micro-recognition refers to informal employee recognition, people-centric systems or programs by which people recognize one another for their contributions (large and small) and with a high degree of frequency.
The incentives for micro-recognition are typically based on “social status” or “social influence” instead of financial or material incentives. This type of non-monetary, social recognition is shown to have a significant impact on feelings of progress and achievement, the most highly correlated factors in human performance.
Additional Articles and Research for Macro-Recognition
- The Future of Employee Recognition, white paper by Chris Dornfeld, Bonfyre
- Increasing Employee Engagement in Manufacturing, by Neil Pickering, Global Manufacturing
- Which Is More Important: Macro- or Micro-Recognition Programs? by Chris Dornfeld, Bonfyreapp.com
Additional Articles and Research for Micro-Recognition
- The Future of Employee Recognition, white paper by Chris Dornfeld, Bonfyre
- The Power of Small Wins, by Teresa Amabile and Steven J. Kramer, Harvard Business Review
- One More Time: How Do you Motivate Employees? by Frederick Herzberg, Harvard Business Review
- 5 Things Smart Entrepreneurs Do to Engage Their Workforce by Chris Dornfeld, Entrepreneur.com
Shape Your Company Core Values With Micro-Recognition by Rob Seay, HRO Today