How to Improve Employee Engagement Survey Scores

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Need to improve your employee engagement survey scores? Employee engagement surveys are powerful tools used by organizations to measure and understand the level of commitment, motivation, and satisfaction among their workforce. These surveys provide valuable insights into employees’ perceptions of their work environment, leadership, and overall job experience. High engagement scores are crucial for organizational success as they are directly linked to increased productivity, improved retention rates, and a positive company culture. Upon receiving feedback from these surveys, leadership should start developing action plans to address any low scoring areas.. Here are some key initiatives to consider for improving your employee engagement survey scores.

The Importance of Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is pivotal for organizational success. Highly engaged teams drive remarkable results, such as a 21% profitability increase and a 17% productivity boost, according to Gallup

Engagement fosters talent retention. The Society for Human Resource Management reports organizations with high engagement levels enjoy up to 43% lower turnover rates. Engaged employees are more likely to remain loyal, reducing recruitment and training costs.

Beyond financials, engagement shapes company culture and reputation. Engaged workers are brand ambassadors, positively impacting the organization’s image and ability to attract top talent. 

In today’s talent-driven landscape, prioritizing employee engagement positions organizations for success. Fostering an engaging company culture unlocks a workforce’s fullest potential while retaining talent and building a reputation that attracts the industry’s best.

Tips for Improving Employee Engagement Survey Scores

Fostering an engaged and motivated workforce should be among our top priorities as leaders. You should actively seek to understand and address areas for improvement highlighted in engagement surveys. This demonstrates your commitment to your team’s well-being. The following tips provide actionable steps to enhance engagement levels across the organization, ultimately benefiting both employees and the company as a whole!

Transparency in Expectations and Decision-Making

Communication is a two-way street. While employees must feel comfortable discussing their ideas and concerns with management, management must do the same with talent. Communicating expectations clearly is key for high employee engagement across the employee lifecycle. 

Well-defined responsibilities and standards during onboarding lay the foundation for a productive relationship. Regular performance evaluations realign expectations, address concerns, and set achievable growth goals. When an employee gets promoted, transparency around criteria and new role expectations motivates employees, providing a clear career path.

Organizational transparency in decision-making processes increases ownership and engagement. Town halls, open forums, and collaborative platforms involve employees in goal-setting, strategies, and challenges.

Bonfyre’s Culture Coach AI facilitates effective communication and transparency. It automatically surveys employees at milestones like onboarding and promotions, gathering insights. Pre-built surveys help leaders identify practical solutions to improve engagement. 

Support Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance is crucial for employee engagement, especially in today’s workforce. A Forbes Health survey in 2022 found that work-life balance was the second most important aspect of work, trailing only financial stability. 

Employees who lack a healthy work-life balance are more likely to experience burnout, decreased job satisfaction, and higher stress levels. This trickle-down effect ultimately leads to higher turnover rates. In fact, a study by Deloitte revealed that a staggering 57% of employees have left a job due to a lack of work-life balance.

Fostering a positive work-life balance is essential for retaining top talent and maintaining a productive, engaged workforce. Companies that prioritize work-life balance initiatives, such as flexible schedules, remote work options, and wellness programs, can significantly improve employee morale and loyalty. 

Appreciation: Exhibit Through Recognition and Rewards

Expressing appreciation is essential for creating a positive and engaging workplace. Recognition and rewards demonstrate appreciation of talent.

Recognition makes them feel seen, heard, and respected. Team members and management celebrate their work, which can boost a talent’s confidence and engagement. 

Bonfyre’s Celebrations Wall makes recognition easier than ever. With a couple of clicks, you can acknowledge an employee for exceptional work, a good idea, a work anniversary, and more. 

Rewards are extra special “thank yous.” They can be gift cards, bonus pay, or an extra day off. Receiving a reward is like receiving a gift for a job well done.   

Celebrating achievements, milestones, and exceptional performance reinforces desired behaviors and encourages high standards. Tangible rewards like gift cards or bonuses provide additional motivation beyond compensation and express gratitude tangibly.

Bonfyre understands appreciation’s importance, offering a comprehensive rewards system with hundreds of gift card options from popular retailers. The unique system benefits employees and organizations. Gift cards already have the tax taken out, so employees enjoy recognition without pay stub surprises. Meanwhile, organizations save millions annually on total rewards spent, with up to 5% cashback from Bonfyre.

Appreciation builds strong workplace relationships. Valued, appreciated employees develop loyalty and commitment, encouraging desired behaviors and motivating others. This positive cycle fosters a culture of excellence and camaraderie, driving higher engagement.

In addition to monetary rewards (like gift cards) Bonfyre Culture Coach provides opportunities to socially celebrate employees. Socially celebrating employees can be an impactful approach to driving employee engagement and satisfaction.

Provide Skill and Leadership Development Opportunities

Cultivating skills and leadership development leads to a motivated, engaged workforce. Access to continuous learning opportunities keeps employees challenged, inspired, and aligned with evolving business needs. 

Offering skills and leadership training equips employees for current and future roles. It demonstrates a commitment to their growth. This sense of development potential significantly improves engagement and retention.

Leadership programs cultivate a pipeline of talented leaders prepared to navigate modern challenges. Providing aspiring leaders with tools, knowledge, and mentorship ensures seamless transitions and excellence.

Re-evaluate Analyses from Employee Engagement Survey Scores

Regularly re-evaluating employee engagement processes ensures alignment with evolving workforce needs and sentiments. Stagnation leads to missed improvement opportunities and leadership-employee disconnects.

Gathering and analyzing employee feedback is fundamental. Open communication provides valuable insights into factors impacting engagement. Feedback is a direct line to frontline experiences, challenges, and aspirations.

However, acting upon insights is equally crucial. Failing to address concerns erodes trust, undermining efforts.

Bonfyre streamlines collecting, analyzing, and acting on feedback. Our AI-powered tools offer pre-built actions and suggestions for comprehensive engagement plans. We have pre-built actions surrounding key initiatives in building engagement, like team-building,, recognition programs, communications, and additional follow-on feedback. 

Benchmarking questions and customization maximize participation and insight quality. Bonfyre facilitates quarterly engagement surveys with flexible response options to ensure honest feedback. 

Progress measurement against industry standards or historical performance adds strategic depth to analyses. Bonfyre’s AI-powered tools transform feedback into an invaluable asset, addressing current issues and preempting future challenges.

Automated nudges serve as gentle reminders to celebrate milestones, reinforce skills, and provide timely recognition. In just a few clicks, you can create a culture of appreciation and growth. 

Bonfyre’s approach ensures that employees feel valued, challenged, and aligned with the company’s vision, creating a supportive environment that drives sustained success. Wondering how to improve employee engagement survey scores? Let Culture Coach coach you through it!

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